Is pressure treated wood good for fence in Huntsville or North Alabama?
A pressure treated wood fence or a pressure treated pine fence is now a go-to option for many homeowners. Basically, pressure treating means treating the exterior of the wood and making it highly resistant to rotting and decaying.
A treated wood fence or treated pine fence will also be highly resistant to termite attack. In short, treated fences are highly durable and will pass the test of time. But are they a good option for the homes of Huntsville, AL. or North Alabama?
If you want to find out the answer to that question, you will need to stick until the end of this article. We will fill you all in regarding the matter.
How Long Will a Pressure treated Lumber Fence Last?
Before anything else, we would like to give you an idea of the longevity of the fence. As you know by now, a pressure treated wood fence has a protective coating on the exterior. This coating makes the wood or treated pine fence capable of handling stress and challenging environments.
Thanks to the treatment, a treated wood fence will be wonderful in areas with high moisture content. There will be no need to worry about decays or rotting. And both Huntsville, Al. and North Alabama are humid. Nonetheless, depending on the overall construction of the treated pine fence, the treated wood fence can last anywhere between fifteen to twenty years.
Should I Use Treated Wood for Fence?
When deciding whether to get a treated wood fence or a treated pine fence, you need to consider its advantages. As we have mentioned earlier, the treatment of the wood will make it long-lasting. It will be highly capable of handling challenging environmental conditions. On that note, winters in Huntsville, AL., and North Alabama are pretty humid.
And high humidity or moisture content is a challenge for regular wood fences. In such cases, a treated wood fence will shine the most. Furthermore, compared to regular wood fences, a treated wood fence lasts longer. So, if you do plan to make a long-lasting investment, getting a treated pine fence or a pressure treated wood fence should be your only option.
What Is The Best Wood To Use For Fence?
If you have decided to get a treated wood fence or a treated pine fence, you might be wondering which wood should you actually pick. Well, Redwood would be a perfect choice. It is arguable the most common type of wood that homeowners choose for fencing. Although Redwood comes at a high cost, the aesthetics and durability will make up for the extra cost.
Talking of which, if you use Redwood for a treated wood fence or treated pine fence, you will enhance the durability of the fencing further. And with the increase in durability, the lifespan of the fences will also increase substantially. Cedar wood and Cypress wood would also be a good pick for the treated wood fence.
The same thing applies to the treated pine fence. Those are great for fencing. On that note, Cypress is naturally rot-resistant. So, if you use it to make a treated wood fence, you will be looking at something that will be highly durable.
Types of Pressure-Treated Wood 
When you consider the types of treated wood, there are mainly two. And you will find one of these two being used on your treated wood fence. Nonetheless, here is a brief description of each with their use cases:
Above-ground Pressure Treated Wood
As the name suggests, this type of pressure-treated wood will be primarily used in scenarios where wood needs to be above the ground. And when it comes to the use cases, these are mainly for applications where you can easily replace or maintain the structure.
Additionally, above-ground pressure treated wood is also for structures that need to be six inches above the ground. Also, many use this type of pressure treated wood for structures that need drainage and proper ventilation.
Ground-Contact Pressure Treated Wood
Again, the name tells it all. The ground-contact pressure-treated wood will make direct contact with the ground. And as you have guessed, this type is what you will see in a treated wood fence or treated pine fence. Also, these are an excellent pick for structures that are difficult to replace or maintain.
Benefits of Pressure treated Wood Fence
So, if you are planning to get a treated wood fence or a treated pine fence, you might be wondering what advantages will you actually enjoy after getting them. Well, let us walk you through are significant benefits of a pressure treated wood fence or treated pine fence:
As we mentioned earlier, a treated wood fence or treated pine fence will last longer than non-treated versions. These are highly capable of handling challenging weather and will not rot that quickly. And if you are in Huntsville, Al. or North Alabama, you probably know how harsh the weather can get sometimes.
Easy To Maintain
A treated wood fence or treated pine fence is pretty easy to seal or stain. So, even if, at some point, the structure loses its overall outlook, you can easily re-stain it. Likewise, if you think that the treated wood fence has lost its salability, it will not be that hard to re-seal the exterior.
Protection Against Termites
The treated wood fence will be more resilient to termite attacks. And it will even have higher protection against fungal decay. So, if you get a treated pine fence or treated wood fence, you will not need to worry about the looks fading that easily.
FAQ of Pressure Treated Wood Fence
Should I Use Treated or Untreated Wood for Fence?
Compared to a non-treated or untreated wood fence, a treated fence will last longer. They will also be highly resistant to rotting and decaying. Considering that, we would definitely suggest you use treated wood for fencing if you are living in Huntsville AL., or North Alabama.
Should I stain my treated pine fence?
It is not necessary to stain a treated pine fence. However, you can add color to your treated pine fence if you want to. That will make the fencing achieve more character and allow it to make your housing stand out.
How much does a treated pine fence cost?
You will be looking to spend about $10 to $25 per linear foot for a treated pine fence. That includes the fence installation costs. So, what does that total to? Well, if you need 150 linear feet of treated pine fence, it will typically cost you anywhere from $1500 to $3750.
Does treated pine turn GREY?
Pressure-treating wood makes fences stay intact for a more extended period of time. So, if you plan to use a treated pine fence for your housing, you can expect the fencing to hold up to more decay-causing and discoloration variables.
Is pine OK for a fence?
One of the most popular choices for fencing is pine wood. And if you are looking to get yourself fencing in Huntsville, AL. or North Alabama, we would recommend getting a treated pine fence. It will last longer and will not rot that easily.